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Categories of Packages

The IT Packages and services available in India can be broadly classified into the following 6 types:

(I) Stand-alone branch-level packages-

These are usually written in FoxPro, C or Dbase and handle specific functions at branches; these are sometimes networked on a LAN to simulate a TBA environment. But there are also high-end packages with a central Server (which can be a Pentium PC or NT or a MINI or even a Main Frame, supported by multiple (dumb or intelligent) terminals. Some of them use sophisticated RDBMS like ORACLE as back-end and provide user-friendly front-end with Windows GUI.

(ii) Multi-branch solutions -

These are used to network a cluster of branches in a city (or spread over several cities); the account maintenance can be central (where facilities like Anywhere Banking are required) or can be distributed, networking being achieved through Wide Area Network (WAN) on terrestrial lines / high speed lines/ satellite networks - and now even wireless.

(iii) Foreign Packages -

Examples are Bank Master, Kappiti, Sanchez etc. These need to be extensively customised to suit Indian requirements - but their strength lie in their proven capabilities in developing and offering modern / global banking products / services that India is just ushering in.

(iv) Packages for specialized niche areas -

Like Asset Liability Management (ALM), Treasury Management, Trading / Dealing Room activities, Custodial Services/ Depository Participant etc. These are high-end packages with sophisticated analytical and decision tools.

(v) Service Branch / high-volume transaction processing packages -

These include, clearing, drafts issue/ payments / reconciliation (Remittances), Bills (payments/ collection/ purchases), Dividend Warrant Processing, inter-branch reconciliation etc. These are often developed and implemented by service providers to whom the work is outsourced.

(vi) IT Services -

These are not Packages in the sense, these are developed to handle specific problems like disaster recovery, virus protection, security handling, linking / networking multiple legacy systems between themselves or to new platforms or to new delivery channels like ATMs, etc.

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